Suicide Prevention
Useful For:
Parents/Guardians of Youth Ages 11-21 | Guidance Counselors | Teachers | School Administrators | PTA/PTOs | Youth Workers | Faith Leaders
Recommended Venue:
Schools | Community Centers | Faith Communities | Clinical Settings | Local Nonprofits | Government
Format: Virtual or In-Person
Duration: 1.5-2 hours (flexible)
Did you know that there are 700+ completed suicides a year in Massachusetts alone? Virtually every community has experienced suicide, yet so few have taken steps to better understand this complex issue. Jon is a Certified QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Trainer, and has worked with hundreds of parents, professionals, and youth to help prevent tragedies in their communities. During this training, participants will learn the most up-to-date information on depression and suicide, and how to effectively identify and support loved ones who may be suffering. Finally, this workshop is anything but depressing - it is infused with energy and an appropriate level of humor, and consistently leaves participants feeling enlightened and empowered.
Participants will leave this training with:
An understanding of the myths surrounding suicide
Knowledge about the warning signs of self-injury and suicide
An appreciation of the complexity and many challenges of suicide
The courage and skills to help a person in distress